Faster Forward Show
Nov 21, 2020
008 - Brian Hoover
He lives in a van, down by the river ... and he f@&#ing loves it!
Bonafide Van-lifer, Pacific Crest Trail hiker, Mississippi River paddler, and - if his past performance is any indication of future success - soon to be Baja Trail Mountain Biker. On the podcast today, we swap river stories with Brian Hoover and relive moments of his 111 day journey kayaking the Mighty Mississippi. He tells us how he structured his ChronoTrack timing business around his ongoing, 3 year old journey into adventure living, escaping perceived death in a bayou sugarcane field, and how a boisterous boy from Oklahoma can own a life of purpose, adventure, and happiness.
57. Thomas Reiss - Ultra Runner & Athlete Manager for Snowman Race, Bhutan
56. Rose Grant - 2x Leadville MTB Champ. Pro Mountain Biker. Recently Retired :)
55. Emily Keddie - Ultra Runner. Mountain Athlete. From Buffalo to Bhutan.
54. Jon Levitt - Ultra Runner and Host of FOR THE LONG RUN Podcast
53. Amber Pierce - (Updated Audio) On Pro Cycling, Mentorship & Building Products Athletes Love
52. Ben & Barry Running Podcast Hosts - Our Favorite Gear & Hacks for Running, Riding & Life
51. Cat Bradley - Professional Trail Runner & Host of The Be Rad Podcast
50. Abby & Cordis Hall - Pro Ultra Runners - from JMT to UTMB
49. Ashly Winchester & Jason Hardrath - Queen & King of FKT
48. Ben Davis - Navy SEAL, 100 Mile MTB, Veterans’ Advocate