30. Ashly Winchester - Queen of FKTs on Big Adventures, Podcasting, and Encouraging Women
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Feb 13, 2021

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30. Ashly Winchester - Queen of FKTs on Big Adventures, Podcasting, and Encouraging Women

30. Ashly Winchester - Queen of FKTs on Big Adventures, Podcasting, and Encouraging Women

Just one day after finishing her first 50 miler, the Camp Fire began its path of destruction in Northern California, ultimately claiming 153,000 acres, 85 human, and an untold number of animal lives - a horror that Ashly Winchester came face to face with as a Veterinary Nurse in the area. Wave-after-wave of life and death emergencies flooded the clinic where she worked and when it was all over, the toll on her own soul proved to be a heavy catalyst behind her full-time journey into FKTs, freelance writing, and Podcasting as the host of Womxn of the Wild - a community of adventure-women who support and help each other grow.

A quick look at today's guest's Athlete profile on FastestKnownTime.com shows Ashly as the current Queen of FKTs as she lays claim to 39 of the fastest known time efforts in the world. Coincidentally - or not - this Queen shares her realm with her boyfriend, the current King of FKT, Episode 28's very own Jason Hardrath. 

Stick around after the closing credits for a bonus conversation about how Ashly sees the two measuring up on different courses and what, if anything, it would take for her to overtake Jason on an FTK course in the wild. 


Womxn of the Wild Website & Podcast

Ashley Winchester on FastestKnownTime.com

HOKA Blog Article

Ashly Winchester on Instagram

Northwest Alpine Gear

Athletic Brewing

Leki Trail Running Poles

Kogalla Ultra Trail Light

Hope you enjoyed it - more people racing more often having more fun in the process is our mission. 

Thanks again to Ashly Winchester. 

We do a special post for each episode on Instagram, so look for the post for episode 30 with a pic of Ashly if you have comments or questions - we are @athlinks or shoot us an email to podcast@athlinks.com. 

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And, until next time, happy racing everybody.