28. Jason Hardrath on Reshaping the Racing World (and terrain) with FKTs
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Jan 30, 2021

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28. Jason Hardrath on Reshaping the Racing World (and terrain) with FKTs

28. Jason Hardrath on Reshaping the Racing World (and terrain) with FKTs

FKT - shorthand for “Fastest Known Time” is essentially, a speed record on any given route. Anyone, at any time, on any day, can try to break a record and set a new FKT. After a serious car accident took him off the roads, today's guest shifted from marathons and ironmans and took his training to the trails and mountains where he found a passion for what I'll call "creative athletic pursuits". If you visit the official FKT website, you'll see the name Jason Hardrath at the top of the leaderboard with a whopping 94 FKT efforts.

Part Cartographer, Mountaineer, Race Director, Athlete, and a dozen other skills, Jason just might be the Dave McGillivray of FKTs a prolific route builder in his own rite - you'll love hearing how Jason strings together routes and how he feels when others find them, complete them, and occasionally set their own FKT on his creations. 


Jason Hardrath on Athlinks

Jason Hardrath on Instagram

Jason Hardrath on FastestKnownTime.com

Jason Hardrath Official Web Site

Northwest Alpine Gear

Athletic Brewing

Leki Trail Running Poles

Kogalla Ultra Trail Light

Coaches in Bike Shorts

Hope you enjoyed it - more people racing more often having more fun in the process is our mission. 

Thanks again to Jason Hardrath. @jasonhardrath.

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We do a special post for each episode on Instagram, so look for the post for episode 28 with a picture of Jason if you have comments or questions - we are @athlinks or shoot us an email to podcast@athlinks.com. 

Again, share it with friends far and wide to help spread the word, until next time, happy racing everybody.