26. Marcus Brown of A Runner's Life Podcast on Running a Sub-3 Hour Marathon
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Jan 23, 2021

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26. Marcus Brown of A Runner's Life Podcast on Running a Sub-3 Hour Marathon

26. Marcus Brown of A Runner's Life Podcast on Running a Sub-3 Hour Marathon

Like the tip of an iceberg, what the outside world sees is the shining 2 hour 56 minute and 19 second marathon finish that sticks up above the surface. 

What is not seen is the incredible mass of hours, miles, support from family and friends, previous shortfalls and near misses that went into the celebrated achievement.

On the podcast today, we have Marcus Brown - otherwise known as @TheMarathonMarcus - of A Runner's Life podcast. He joins us from London where thoughtfully recounts his ten year journey from a barely sub-5 hour marathon at London to his freshly minted sub-3 at Dourney Lake.

I am once again greatly inspired by a guest. Marcus' approach to both training and racing has motivated me to adopt some of his practices and philosophies.  I really hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.


Marcus Brown on Athlinks

A Runner's Life Podcast

Marcus Brown on Instagram

Hope you enjoyed it - more people racing more often having more fun in the process is our mission. 

Thanks again to Marcus Brown of the Black Trail Runners & The Runner's Life podcast for spending part of his Holiday break with us and talking about running and giving us the secret to breaking 3 hours.

The best way to support this podcast is to click subscribe on iTunes or follow on Spotify to be notified of new shows. Share it with anyone you think would enjoy it, email, text, Twitter, Facebook - you get it -  and please - take 3 minutes to give us a rating and a quick review on iTunes.

We do a special post for each episode on Instagram, so look for the post for episode 26 with a picture of Marcus if you have comments or questions - we are @athlinks or shoot us an email to podcast@athlinks.com. 

Again, share it with friends far and wide to help spread the word, until next time, happy racing everybody.

Make sure to visit http://www.athlinks.com to claim your race results and own race day forever.