Faster Forward Show
Nov 02, 2020
Introducing the Athlinks Podcast, hosted by founder & President Troy Busot.
Athlinks Profile:
The goal of Athlinks has always been to make racing and event participation more accessible to everyone, regardless of background - athletic or otherwise. "More people, racing more often, having more fun in the process" is our stated mission and we've put our efforts into collecting over 340 Million race results from nearly 1.5 million races over the years, so that athletes could have "all of their results in one place". We've wanted to do our small part to make it easier for more people to call themselves endurance athletes.
Each show will be a 60 to 90 minute interview with some of the millions of athletes who cross a finish line around the world every year - telling the stories behind the steps, the pedals, and the swim strokes. The blood sweat and tears, the successes and failures of finishing.
From time to time, we will dive into the deep science like VO2 Max and Lactate thresholds and every once in a while we will talk to the world's most elite-level professional endurance athletes, but for the most part, we're going to be talking with everyday age groupers like you and me - people balancing work and life while training and racing. We're also going to be talking with event organizers and other folks who make the products and services that we, as endurance athletes, love and rely on to accomplish our goals.
57. Thomas Reiss - Ultra Runner & Athlete Manager for Snowman Race, Bhutan
56. Rose Grant - 2x Leadville MTB Champ. Pro Mountain Biker. Recently Retired :)
55. Emily Keddie - Ultra Runner. Mountain Athlete. From Buffalo to Bhutan.
54. Jon Levitt - Ultra Runner and Host of FOR THE LONG RUN Podcast
53. Amber Pierce - (Updated Audio) On Pro Cycling, Mentorship & Building Products Athletes Love
52. Ben & Barry Running Podcast Hosts - Our Favorite Gear & Hacks for Running, Riding & Life
51. Cat Bradley - Professional Trail Runner & Host of The Be Rad Podcast
50. Abby & Cordis Hall - Pro Ultra Runners - from JMT to UTMB
49. Ashly Winchester & Jason Hardrath - Queen & King of FKT
48. Ben Davis - Navy SEAL, 100 Mile MTB, Veterans’ Advocate